Chinese Baptist Church Seattle Celebrates 120 Years!
Chinese Baptist Church of Seattle celebrated their 120th year anniversary on Sunday, January 31st. Paul Burham, Sr., former pastor of Newport Hills Community Church and church planting leader with ABC Northwest, and his wife Leona represented the Region’s congregations at this event. Paul reports: “What a blessing to see and hear CBC’s history and heritage from their beginning to the present.
CBC is alive and flourishing, making a difference in the Seattle and surrounding areas representing Jesus Christ to the Asian community as well as others.
Their theme for the whole year is ‘Running with Perseverance.’ They have set some events spaced out through the year to help them accomplish their goal to run the race of following Jesus that has been marked out for them.”
Congratulations to the staff, church leaders and congregational members of Chinese Baptist Church. We celebrate with you God’s faithfulness in sustaining you through these last 120 years. We pray that our Lord will continue to sustain you, strengthen you and bless your ministries, all for the Glory of God!