Mission Northwest

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"Small Church-Big Impact" Online Conference Sat. January 9, 2021

A one day online conference focusing on maximizing the effectiveness of the small church (25 to 150 worship attendance) from a pastor who has been there and done that!

Presenter: Dr. Tim Brown, Executive Minister Growing Healthy Churches and Lead Pastor of The Well in Modesto, CA

No Registration Fee -- Event Underwritten by Mission Northwest

Three Sessions  --  8:30a to 1:30p Pacific Time (with breaks between each sesson)

Session 1 – The Question That Impactful Small Churches Ask

Session 2 – Big Impact In the Midst of Crisis

Session 3 – Leading When You Don’t Know What to Do

Pastor and Exec Minister Tim Brown will lead us through three learning sessions with a goal of strengthening small churches for maximum Gospel effectiveness.

Immediately after college Tim served as the shared part-time pastor of two small Indiana churches. These churches were located in the most poverty stricken county in Indiana. Even so they experienced several conversions and both grew in attendance.

During seminary he pastored a small church of 35 people in Scottsburg, Indiana. The church started youth and children based ministries and also experienced significant growth. After graduating from seminary Tim became the Senior Pastor of Hopewell Baptist Church in Indiana, a church of 100 that eventually added a second worship service and started multiple ministries.

Tim was challenged by sister region, Growing Healthy Churches, to leave Hopewell Baptist Church (now 340 in worship) and lead a turn around at the FBC of Clovis, a church with 60 in average worship attendance. During his seven years at FBC Clovis the church grew significantly, primarily through conversions and ministry to the immediate community. Tim has a broad and fruitful ministry experience with small churches in small places. He is a champion of small churches and offers real world, practical insights to maximize the impact of any church of any size in any location.

Presently Tim is the executive minister of Growing Healthy Churches (ABC-USA) and is also lead pastor of The Well in Modesto, CA. He is a graduate of Fairmont State University (B.A.), Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.) and Northern Baptist Seminary (D. Min.). He is married to Jennifer and together they have three children, Abigail, Allison and Wyatt.