The Call to Prayer in the Church Transformation Process
Pastor Jason Bowker FBC Bozeman
I’m currently working my way through a really great and challenging book called The U-Turn Church, where the authors address how churches in decline might turn around and begin traveling the path toward health, vitality, and sustainability. I’m loving it so far and plan to actually preach through the first four chapters of the book in April when we finish our journey through Luke. But the chapter I most recently finished was about the necessity of prayer in turning a church around….and it was terribly and wonderfully convicting.
The author declares that “desperate needs require desperate preayers,” and I couldn’t agree more. We find ourselves at a crossroads in the life of our church, desperately needing to turn the corner and head in a new direction toward healthy and faithful ministry—and desperate prayer seems like a vital aspect of this change. So I’m committing to becoming a man and pastor of fervent prayer. I’m committing to praying for you all and our church and our community. I’m committing to praying for our future and that God would faithfully provide. I’m committing to boldly praying that God would use us to save the lost, heal the hurting, and comfort the brokenhearted. And I’m strongly inviting—compelling—you to join me in this prayer journey.
[Reprinted by permission from the March 2016 issue of FBC Bozeman's church newsletter.]
[Mission Northwest Note: The book U-Turn Church: New Direction for Health and Growth by Kevin Harney and Bob Brouwer was the LLC book of the month for February]